Can you believe she was a little reluctant to take her senior photos? Can’t tell, right? Natural beauty, this one. Did I mention she has flawless skin? How? I asked her what her secret was. She credits her grandmother for passing down that genetic trait.

This is another senior/family mini shoot session. I really need to think of an official name for it. I start with the mini shoot first. It serves as a great icebreaker. Sometimes, a sibling, more than anyone, can make my senior laugh. However, this senior was fine on her own.

And they brought props, blankets from home, and her volleyball. Anything to make your photos personal strengthens the memories these photos represent.

It was such a lovely afternoon getting to know her and her family. She’s looking toward a future in engineering. The world needs you, friend!


All in the Details


Black & White, or Color Photography?